Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A call to Fasting, Prayer and Soaking

June 17, 2012 God has called us to a time of fasting and prayer for the nations: We are fasting and praying here for God to bring revival to the nations and that He will give us great influence to win souls, great influenence in Government, community and that we will receive POWER, INFLUENCE and walk in UNITY as the body of believers! We believe this for the nations there is a GREAT OUTPOURING OF THE SPIRIT that we are on the crust of, I pray you begin to fast and pray AS WELL! WE ARE COMMITTED TO THE SAMUEL FAST! 1 SAMUEL 7: 3-6, putting away anything that is not pleasing to God, denouncing any demonic influences, any habitual sin, or oppressive spirits! Repenting before the Lord (2 CHRONICLES 7:14) personally and corporately, and pouring ourselves out as a drink offering before the Lord, turning our plates down as a sacrifice before Our God on behalf of the nations, the lost, backslidder and the body of Christ. WE NEED REVIVAL, NOW! ISAIAH 58:6-9 This is the fast the Lord has chosen for this hour, and we will expereince a time of refreshing like never before, not momentarily but an overflow in this season. Healing, deliverance, salvation, Judgement, restoration, in our families, churches, communities, cities, states, regions, even the nations! Let us pray now and fast before Our GOD, OUR KING, OUR FATHER, OUR VICTORY, OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, OUR HEALER, OUR SHEPEHERD, THAT THE SUFFERING WILL BRING FORTH MUCH GLORY TO ALL! Overseer/Pastor Michelle Ragland Kingdom Restorers Ministry International meet us for prayer and worship before the Lord Days: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays! *Monday @ 8:00 pm Est. Dial: 218-632-0317, access: 366122 *Wednesday via Teleconference: 218-862-1300, Access: 763366 or @ 111 W. Franklin Street Warrenton, NC 27589 *Thursday @ 8:00 pm Est. Dial: 218-632-0317, Access: 366122

Friday, April 27, 2012

Inspiration and Devotionals - KRMI-Spirit2Spirit Truth Broadcasting

God has not forgotten about you!
Through ups and downs the Lord is still there, to comfort you, to encourage you and to bring you out victoriously!  You are not forgotten!
Inspiration and Devotionals - KRMI-Spirit2Spirit Truth Broadcasting

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Battlefield Training-M. E. G. A. Ministry

“Battlefield Training” By:Men Embracing Gods' Anointing This article is for men and women that are going through a struggle or battle in life, some kind of diverse situation, trial or temptation! James 1:2, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials.” In April 2007, I was notified that I would be sent to Iraq for combat duty for one year. The initial shock left me feeling overwhelmed, bewildered and abandoned by God. During my training for my tour in Iraq the instructors placed us in some very hard situations, training for war. We were put into all kinds of situations, decisions to make as leaders that would affect the whole unit that dealt with life and death situations. Longs days and nights of training groomed us into effective combat soldiers. I quickly learned to stay in and read my bible for strength and I always quoted psalms 91 for the Lord to protect me. During my tour in Iraq I began to see why we trained so hard, there was a enemy trying to kill you daily! Days were hot, the nights were cold sometimes and all I could wonder was when will this be over? The devil tried to make me think I would be killed and that I would not make it but, the devil is a liar. God promise that He made in Psalm 91 followed and protected me throughout my tour, through long nights and days, gunfire and bombs going off around me, through death, destruction and desolation God protected me from the enemies attacks(physical and spiritual). Brother and Sister I came to tell you today that you are in a war also, not in Iraq, but there is a war going on around you and inside you daily, the war of good and evil, the battle field is in your mind. Your enemy is satan the accuser of the brethren, some of his weapons are fear, insecurity, generational curses, doubt, lust of the flesh, love of money, lying and cheating, stealing, gossip, sexual immorality, etc. and his mission is to literally kill you daily through his attacks. John 10:10, “the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” There is hope! For Jesus said, “I am the door if anyone enters by me he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” John 10:9 You have training to conduct as a soldier in the army of the Lord, to protect you from the enemy which is the devil. Every good soldier knows his equipment but remember that the war you’re fighting is not a flesh & blood war but it is a spiritual war. 2 Corinthians 10:3, “For though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh.” Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.” Your equipment for this spiritual war is : *Belt of Truth * Breast Plate of Righteousness *Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace *Shield of Faith *Helmet of Salvation * Sword of the Spirit (the word of God) *Praying always with all supplication in the Spirit I would encourage you to include worship as part of your training daily. My brother and sister, if I survived the war in Iraq, you will survive your spiritual battle if you wear your equipment that was issued to you and follow Gods mission plan He outlined in His word! Be blessed! Follow or leave comments on our blog at: www.megamenministry.blogspot.com

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Agape Crusades March 17 & 18 2012

Endtime Evangelist Magazine

Endtime Evangelist Magazine
For ad Pricing and to purchase subscriptions. You can also submit an article for review to empower, encourage or give strategies to other endtime Evangelist!
Go! Is a two letter command that causes faith to be activated! 

Go=> to follow a certain course of action; to function correctly.

When Jesus forgave sins, healed people of their infirmities or sicknesses, he would then give them a commandment to Go, Sin no more, to your home, to your family. So we must understand that when we get a word from God that it is received when we began to act on what he said. When we GO, we put our faith to action and the word is manifested in our lives. You must walk in this day not reflecting on the word that was spoken but putting your faith to action by walking out what was said and causing it to manifest in your life! Go, and sin no more- you have to follow a certain course of Action which is righteousness, Go and be blessed- you have to follow a certain course of Action so that you receive your blessing, Go and create wealth- you must follow the course of action for that witty Idea, that business that would bring you into your wealthy place! It will not happen by osmosis, so you must Go! So get busy! Blessings!

Pastor Michelle Ragland

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


  March 17th & 18th   Agape Crusades 2012
"Performing the great commission in the community by sharing the gospel, the love of Jesus and song."

Vision: Winning the Lost souls to the Kingdom of God through the ministry of Prayer, Preaching of the gospel and the Love... of Jesus.

* For the body of believers to unite in one accord for the harvest of the lost in this end time season.
*To through the spirit of oneness and unity, evangelize the gospel of Jesus the Christ regardless of denomination, church or ministry affiliation but because we are all Sons of God.
* To reap the harvest of the lost, destitute and broken world and restorer them back to the Kingdom of God, and a love relationship with the Savior.

To serve in any capacity at the crusades (ex. preaching, prayer warrior, minister in music or Dance)  Contact Overseer Pastor Michelle Ragland by registering  at:


            $20 plus shipping.
To Purchase an event T-Shirt as support to this Evangelistic Outreach Event!