About Kingdom Restorer's

How was  Kingdom Restorers Ministry International conceived?
Well September 15, 2009, as My family and myself were praying and waiting on God to work his miracle in another family members life that was diagnosed with cancer (by 5 different physicians), I was in quiet prayer and study time and the Lord spoke to me, "Acts 1:6, You are a Kingdom Restorer, restoring the love for God back into the hearts of mankind"  Then He took me to  1Thess. 4:16-17 and He said, "this is your comission until the Lord Jesus returns."

As the Lord continued to minister to me He told me that I was to do the "Great Commission" as Jesus had instructed the Apostles, teaching, preaching, baptizing  and making disciples (Matt. 28:18-20) and that I have the Power and Authority to do great works in the Name of Jesus (Matt. 10:1).

Nevertheless, Father healed my family member from cancer, when they went to do the surgery to remove the cancerous tumors, the doctor's found nothing.  Now the family member at that time did not accept Christ as Lord and saviour of Her life but, as lead by the Holy Ghost, on December 31,2009, I presented the opportunity to them again over the phone, and they quickly said YES!

God is an awesome and mighty God, and from then up to now, He has been shifting and changing the ministry that He has given me to meet the needs of the Mandate He has given me in 2009.  It has been expanded as so have I and it has been a difficult road, but He has never failed me!

 Kingdom Restorers Ministry International Mandate:

Here at Kingdom Restorers Ministry International, we are committed to serving God through Educating, Empowering & Training  the Body of Christ to walk in the commission of Christ Jesus, for Jesus said, "verily, verily, I say unto thee, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the father.  And whatever you ask the father in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."  John 14:12-13 
We are committed to touching the lost and afflicted, the hurting and the broken with the gospel message and the anointing of God which destroys every yoke through preaching & teaching of the word and the ministry of prayer, restoring the Love for God back into the hearts of His people.